Primal Surge XL Review

The fact of the matter is that many men are less than comfortable when talking about male enhancement supplements, and because of that, it can be hard to even know where to begin looking when it comes to finding the right one.

For the most part, the vast sea of male enhancement supplements can almost dull our senses when it comes to spotting one that will work under all of the testimonials, reviews and bold language used in the marketing is a difficult task.

Either way, the intention behind each and every one of these male sexual enhancers is to appeal to men that need a little bit of help in the bedroom with erectile dysfunction and low libido, or outside the bedroom by boosting testosterone, building confidence and granting newfound energy.

Part of what we’re doing here today is hopefully helping you get a better idea of what exactly you should be looking for in a male enhancement supplement.

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There is no cure all male enhancement aid that is going to be a cure for all of the men in the world as we are all different and metabolize nutrients and chemicals differently than one another.

With that being said, there are some key things to look out for within the ingredients of a male enhancement supplement, verified user reviews, marketing tactics and the practices of the company themself that can point to the legitimacy and efficacy of it.

Primal Surge XL is no exception.

When scouring the web for reviews, you will find all sorts of feedback in regard to Primal Surge XL both positive and negative, so be sure to pay attention and take note of what stands out about the product to you and if falls in line as a good male enhancer for yourself.

What Is Primal Surge XL?

primal surge xl reviewPrimal Surge XL is a powder based male enhancement energy supplement drink that is intended to enhance male sexual pleasure and performance, aid in workout recovery, and increase testosterone in men.

The formula that makes Primal Surge XL what it is made up of ingredients aimed at energy levels, testosterone and improving sex drive.

As with many male enhancement formulas out there today, Primal Surge XL is made out of entirely all-natural ingredients.

How Does Primal Surge XL Work?

Upon mixing and consuming Primal Surge XL, they say that you should expect to see results in fairly quick time and in theory you should see a big boost in free testosterone in your body.

If hitting the blood stream and working correctly, Primal Surge XL should also work at increasing blood circulation and more importantly, blood flow to the erectile tissue.

Because of the creatine and other nutrients that are in the Primal Surge XL formula, it should also work well in pre and post workout sessions in both energy and recovery.

What Is Primal Surge XL Made Out of?


L-arginine is an amino acid that is broken down into nitric oxide upon ingestion and helps with angina, certain heart and blood vessel conditions, and male sexual health. (Source.)

The breaking down into nitric oxide of L-arginine boosts circulation and blood flow which helps to give a stronger erection as well as make it last longer. (Source.)

Tongkat Ali

Herbal remedy that has been used for many years to treat bacterial infections, fever, mood muscle mass and male fertility. (Source.)

There is a lot of evidence to support that Tongkat Ali is useful for men with low testosterone as well as boosting testosterone in general from consuming the herb. (Source.)


A wide range of vitamins that are aimed at healthy metabolism, energy consumption, fat storage, productivity, workout recovery, mood, digestion and many more daily health benefits. (Source.)


Amino acid derivative that has proven benefits to brain function, weight loss, promotes heart health, red blood cell protection, vasodilation and oxygen levels in the extremities. (Source.)

It can also increase blood flow throughout the body and boost nitric oxide levels in the body which helps with getting and maintaining an erection. (Source.)

Maca root

Maca root can help men with an enlarged prostate as well as improve mental function, memory, anxiety and depression, help menopause symptoms in women, increase fertility in men and more. (Source.)

It is also a notable ingredient for Maca Root’s positive effects on energy and athletic performance, as well as sexual performance. (Source.)

Do Any Of Primal Surge XL’s Ingredients Have Negative Side Effects?

If taken for too long or too much is consumed, L-arginine can cause nausea, vomiting, gout, low blood pressure, abdominal pain, bloating and more. (Source.)

Tongkat ali does not seem to boast many side effects, but it is recommended that you avoid it in the event that you have a cancer that is sensitive to hormone levels, a heart condition, sleep apnea or liver disease. (Source.)

Multivitamins can cause a range of what is considered minor side effects such as nausea, stomach pains, diarrhea, or constipation. (Source.)

Too much L-Carnitine can raise your trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) when taken over a long period of time which can increase the risk for clogged arteries. (Source.)

Maca root itself does not have many significant side effects at all, but it can pose a risk however to consumers that have preexisting thyroid conditions. (Source.)

Does Primal Surge XL Work?

Well, that question is a little bit tricky.

Yes, Primal Surge XL does work and does hold ingredients that carry very useful and essential male health enhancers within, but it definitely has a very hot and cold response amongst the community and reviewers alike.

You can all too easily find reviews that are overwhelmingly negative as well as glowingly positive and raving and not unlike other male enhancement supplements on the market, this only works to cloud the public opinion and consensus on Primal Surge XL.

To further clarify, the negative reviews that people have voiced seem to me mostly related to issues people have had with shipping and less than transparent trial periods and less in regard to the actual integrity of the formula and results themselves.

With that being said, you can just as easily find reviews that do not have any issues with the shipping or billing, but it is important to note that through the Better Business Bureau’s website you can find a slew of negative reviews from people who were billed falsely and had to contact the company to be reimbursed.

How To Use Primal Surge XL

To use Primal Surge XL, you simply mix it up with water and drink it either pre physical activity or pre sexual activity.

Stir or shake well to make sure that it dissolves fully into the water and it should go down smoothly.

Where Can You Buy Primal Surge XL?

Primal Surge XL is a little bit harder to track down than other male enhancement supplements out there but can be bought online through several male performance webstores.

Pros +

  • Energy boosting and promotes a good, vital workout with an easy recovery
  • Has potential to boost testosterone
  • Helps with blood circulation and blood flow to the genitals

Cons –

  • Customers have had issues with being billed too many times and felt slightly mislead by the “trial offer” link to the product
  • Potential negative side effects
  • Pretty expensive compared to some other male enhancement supplements
  • Has many negative reviews with the BBB

Conclusion- Should You Give Primal Surge XL a Try?

As far as the ingredients and formula alone, there is enough about Primal Surge XL to warrant giving it a try, but of course that is not the only factor.

Because of the amount of negative reviews scattered across the internet where some people have been billed incorrectly mislead, I would say that giving Primal Surge XL a shot should come with caution and I would be wary of which source you get it from if you choose to.

The formula and ingredients themselves are worth taking note of and have been used in workout health and male sexual health for years now and can be found in many good products.

If you are definitely going to go ahead and try out Primal Surge XL for yourself, be sure to double check and verify that you are not allergic to anything that it contains.

Also, if you are currently taking any medications, check in with your primary medical caregiver and make sure that nothing inside of Primal Surge XL is going to have a negative interaction with medications that you are currently taking.

At the end of the day, everything effects everyone differently and some will respond better to one supplement than another.

Primal Surge XL has a lot working for it, but always remember to be wary when customers report being billed unethically, unexpectedly or being misled by the language of an advertisement.

Of course, you can also find users who have had no such issues so all you can do is use your best judgement and hopefully you will enjoy the benefits that it does have to offer.

Primal Surge XL

Primal Surge XL

3.1 out of 5 (44 Ratings)

Primal Surge XL claims that it will enhance male sexual pleasure and performance, aid in workout recovery, and increase testosterone in men.

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