Male Enhancement Pills At CVS, GNC, Walmart, 711, and Other Major Chains
Male Enhancement Pills in CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, and Other Stores
The male enhancement industry is growing like anything these days, thanks to the internet, social media, and other avenues.
Most users, however, don’t even bother to leave the comfort of their own homes, as they are already aware of the fact that some of the most effective and highly recommended male sex supplements and enhancement pills are just a “click away”.
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However, contrary to popular beliefs, the great majority of male enhancement pills, creams and ointments can still be purchased via stores like CVS, Walmart, Walgreens, and health stores like GNC and Vitamin Shoppe. This article is intended to highlight the effectiveness and safety of such herbal or dietary supplements and provide a helpful overview of the same to men looking for an effective supplement.
Which Stores Sell Male Enhancement Pills?
While there are many, this article only covers some of the most well known and “branded” stores that can be easily found everywhere on national level. Some of such major names include:
- Walmart
- Walgreens
- Rite Aid
- 711
- Vitamin Shoppe
- Local gas stations and liquor stores
It should be noted that there are many other retail pharmacies and grocery stores that sell dietary or herbal supplements of a similar nature.
What Are the Most Commonly Sold Male Enhancement Pills in Stores?
The next important question that comes to one’s mind is that what products do these stores actually sell for male enhancement? After a little bit of research, we found the following major products in the above-mentioned stores:
1. Zyrexin – Found in GNC, Walmart, CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens
Zyrexin is purely organic and herbal enhancement formula that can be primarily used to treat erectile dysfunction and other male sexual health related issues. It works by boosting erections (via penile blood flow increase) and increasing sexual performance.
It does this through a combination of 2 key ingredients: L-Arginine and Yohimbe.
This combo is very common, and is often referred to as “natures viagra”.
Available with a 60-day money back guarantee, it can be purchased for roughly $17.99 at CVS and for $11.74 from Walmart, making it one of the cheaper male enhancement pills found in stores.
I’ve actually personally tested Zyrexin in the past.
2. Enzyte – Found in Walmart, Walgreens, and Vitamin Shoppe
One of the most well-known male enhancement pills, Enzyte can be purchased at Wal-Mart at $29.96 and comes with a standard 2-month guarantee for a full refund. Aggressively marketed on TV and other media, Enzyte is mostly indicated to treat erectile dysfunction and to boost erections and sexual potency in males.
Like other supplements, Enzyte is also branded as a “dietary supplement” that is solely composed of natural, or herbal, ingredients. While there are some negative reviews and user testimonials about this product, most of the reviews we found on the internet about Enzyte were positive and encouraging.
Therefore, this supplement can be considered as worthy of trying.
3. Extenze – Found in GNC, Walgreens, 711, and CVS
Extenze has kind of a bad reputation…They were involved in a highly publicized lawsuit because they were claiming that their supplement would help to increase your size by up to 27%.

After losing this lawsuit, they almost closed up shop, but instead decided to change their formula and stop telling guys their product would grow their penis. Instead, it is intended to help produce enhanced erection quality and increase sexual stamina and vitality.
Extenze is actually one of the best fast acting male enhancement supplements I have ever tested, and their new formula is markedly better. You can find Extenze for sale dirt cheap at your local walmart for $27 for a 2 week supply.
4. Libido Max – Found in Target, CVS, Walmart, and Rite Aid
Available at Walmart for $17.84 (75 soft gel capsules), Libido Max is a male enhancement pill that is specifically used to enhance libido /sexual desire. Therefore, while its effectiveness for enhancement of libido is time-tested, it cannot be used to address or treat other problems such as premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction.

However, there have been numerous side effects reported with Libido max, including increased blood pressure and heart rate, anxiety, and even flu like symptoms.
These side effects are caused by one of its primary ingredients, yohimbe.
Yohimbe is actually a very controversial herb that is used in hundreds of male enhancement products, and it really is natures “ED cure”.
I always recommend that if you’re going to use a supplement containing yohimbe that you start off with the lowest possible dose, and take it on a full stomach with plenty of water.
That way you reduce the severity of those side effects, if you even experience any.
5. Nugenix – Sold in GNC, Walgreens, CVS, and Walmart
While not technically a “male enhancer”, Nugenix is actually a very effective sexual aid. It’s an all natural free testosterone booster that, when take over a 2 – 3 week period, will help to improve your overall sexual libido and drive.
It contains a wide array of ingredients, including it’s clinically proven Testofen. Testofen is actually the brand name of a well known extract called Tribulus Terrestris.
Tribulus Terrestris is a widely used herbal extract that has purported benefits such as:
- Improved sexual well-being.
- Increase sex drive and control.
- Increased endurance.
I have personally taken a wide variety of supplements containg Tribulus Terrestris, and can attest to this.
The one downside to Tribulus supplementation is that the effects seem to wear off after a 3 week period, which is why I recommend cycling it on a 3 week on, 1 week off basis to avoid it.
You can find Nugenix in your local Walgrens for around $35, making it a relatively affordable supplement.
6. Virmax 8 Hour – Not sold in stores
Another male enhancement supplement found in stores is Virmax 8 hours. Virmax is a supplement that is actually quite different from many of the other pills found here, in that it’s a slow acting supplement.
Instead of popping the pill and getting the effects within a half hour or so, Virmax is designed to be taken once daily for long term results. They mention a wide array of effects on their official site, including improved performance, increased sensation, and enhanced sexual function.
While I personally got decent results from it, the side effects were not worth it in my opinion. Virmax is one of the only supplements on this list that is NOT sold in stores, but you can buy it on their official website for around $18 for a one month supply.
7. Alpha Strike – Only Sold At GNC
I actually had a product review request for Alpha Strike from one of my site visitors, and decided to give it a shot. It’s only available in GNC and on the GNC website, and is a rather expensive supplement (around $60 for a one month supply) when compared to the competition.
My individual results with Alpha Strike were actually not that good, and from the looks of it based on most of the testimonials I have read it’s not the best thing on the shelves.
However, GNC does a pretty good job of trying to sell it, giving it a whole heck of alot of shelf space when I went to go pick it up. They also advertise it as a testosterone booster, primarily because it contains DHEA.
The above-mentioned review only examines some of the major and frequently sold male enhancement dietary supplements available in the major grocery stores / health stores and retails chains. However, you must remember that there are many other products, pills and brands that are bought and used by thousands of users from the same stores and it is not possible to cover all of them in a single review.
Similarly, there are even better quality male enhancement supplements sold online that, while are a bit more expensive, can produce more effective results.
Click Here to see our top choice for male enhancement.